If you run a business, there’s every chance that you are dependent on a team of people. When you rely on others to make your venture a success, you want to be sure that every single player is giving their all. They say a healthy team is a happy team, and everyone knows that you’re more productive when you’re happy. So, how can you promote health and wellbeing at work, and are you doing enough to keep your team on-side?
Promoting health and wellbeing at work
In recent years, more and more businesses have invested time and money into encouraging employees to adopt healthier habits at work. It’s well documented that people tend to work harder and achieve more when they are healthy and happy. As an employer, you want every person in the group to be firing on all cylinders.
There are lots of different ways you can try and promote health and wellbeing, and it’s beneficial to try and foster an environment where both physical and mental health take priority. Provide showering and bathing facilities to enable people to wash if they’ve run or cycled to work or offer discounted membership to local sports centers or gyms. Enable workers to adopt flexible working hours, which gives them time to work out at lunchtime, and fill vending machines with healthy snacks. Look into business health plans, which cover the cost of routine health checks, such as dental appointments, and think about ways you can use sport to encourage teamwork and cohesion. Set up a mini soccer, football or baseball league or look into charity events in the local area, for example. Mental health should also be a concern for employers. If you find that workers get stressed on a regular basis, for example, consider providing massages on-site or setting aside a quiet space where people can have five minutes to chill out, meditate, or just get away from their desk.
Image credit https://www.flickr.com/photos/niexecutive/14204595018
Rewarding hard work
Everybody wants to feel valued. Even a simple thank you message or a mention in the team meeting can boost your confidence and make you feel like you’re an important member of the workforce. If you want people to work hard for you, you’ve got to show them that their efforts are appreciated. You can do this by offering financial bonuses or by treating your team occasionally. You could pay for a meal at a restaurant or a group outing to the movies or host a party at the office at Christmas time, for example. If you take no notice of those who are going above and beyond, you’re likely to lose your star players. If you make it clear that you’re grateful and that hard work is rewarded, morale is likely to be higher, staff retention rates should increase, and you should find that you have a happier, more productive team.
Image source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/sanfranannie/3863621239
Are you the head honcho? If so, it’s essential to have a hard-working, healthy and happy team around you. If you’re the boss, think about ways you can promote healthy habits at work, and create an environment where people know that they are part of a great team and that their hard work doesn’t go unnoticed.
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