5 Ways to manage yourself in time

stress-540820_12805 ways to manage yourself in time.

Everybody talks about time management. But there is no chance that we can manage time. Time is going with or without us. So, we cannot manage time. But, we can manage our self in time which we have and we all have 24 hours per day.


1. Checking

In online marketing business. We have a lot of things to check. If your Facebook is open than you know that all the time some notification are there. Than you check your page on Alexa and so on. Did you notice how much time do you lose only on checking everything? Answer is simple. To much! Don’t check all the time. Do things what you decide to do and when you finish with everything than check notifications. Nothing special will happen in hour or two.


2. Made a plan what will you do today

before you start working made a plan what will you do today. Think and write down what is your goals for today. I am sure that lot of people sit in front of their computer and then start to do something what comes in their mind. With looking in computer you will lose a lot of time.


3. Watch out for social media

social media is time eater. What is that mean, that mean that you when you are on Facebook start to look at wall and at some funny videos and so on. Reading other people posts on Facebook eats your time very fast. So, watch when you open Facebook or Twitter or any other Social Media website.

4. Doing few things in same time

this is modern way of working called multitasking. Multitasking will kill you. It is better to do one thing and finished it for today. Than doing things all in the same time. Let me be more specific. You can do something and don’t finished it completely, but it must be finished for today. Let say you write a book and blogging and you prepare some your product. So, today write one chapter of your book. When you finished with one chapter, btw. You plan it. Than start to write blog after you finished with blog, than you work on your new product. But do not do everything in the same time. You will lose time.


5. Chating

chatting is ok, and you have to communicate with people. But, do not chat when you work. It will save your time. When you work your work. Later on or in some kind of brake you can chat with people. But, do not do it if you writing a blog or doing something else. I know that people are very important in network marketing, but you are also not here every time when they want to. You will spoil your people and that is not good. That is very bad. Let them wait a little when you finish your work. If you will respond every time in a second, than after some time when you will have a lot of people, you will chatting whole day and you will not have time for any work.

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